Saturday, January 30, 2010

प्रण तेजस ओजस Prana Tejas Ojas


Asana is the perfect balanace between firmness and ease.

The depth of this sutra can be talked about and contemplated for years and still can change into new meanings over the course of its examination. Whether you're sitting in padmasana, savasana corpse pose or sitting in the drivers seat this sutra applies. Prana is the pure essence of vata dosha, the energetic life force, the electric current which is taken from our external environment and brought within our organism in order to continue the walk of life. Tejas is the essence of pitta dosha, the shinning light of our intellect, the pure aspect of inner transformation and the energy that converts all sensory input into knowledge. Ojas is not only the essence of kapha dosha but the essence of all bodily tissue, the substance that creates new life and protect life as our immune system.

Ojas follows prana and when the senses are directed outward our ojas leaves with it. This dilemma is a result of our conditioning and a disconnection from the great source of energy and immunity within. The fifth limb of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga system is pratyahara, sense withdrawal, the answer for proper cultivation of prana, tejas, and ojas and the door for the great journey inside the body, mind, soul trinity. Pranayama cultivates prana, meditation kindles tejas, and samadhi grows ojas. Now the sutra from above becomes vital to the health and natural development of a well functioning body, mind, spirit trinity. When your posture becomes cleansed and purified while upholding a firm foundation in strength and a spirit of ease fills the cells the body becomes inwardly driven. Prana looses its outward momentum and keeps ojas from leaking and oozing while the brilliance of tejas is kindled, all strengthening the vitality and vigour of the organism.

So much philosophy for such a terse and simple sutra. The beginning is observation and the observation is posture. The posture is the balance of being grounded and free. The balance brings the movement to the inner phenomenon. The inner world is where your prana, tejas, and ojas gives you the essence needed to do your dharma, your purpose on this planet.

1 comment:

Jhaysonn said...

I wish I understood that. I feel like I do for some parts, and then get totally lost =P

I like the part about completing my purpose in life =) lol

I'm glad I found this! I didn't know you had a blog